The Honey Bus

Big Sur Historical Society Program
On May 18th the BSHS hosted a program and book signing at the Grange.  Author Meredith May came to talk about her book “The Honey Bus” and her Grandfather Franklin Peace.  Franklin was a descendant of the Post family and a resident of Big Sur and Carmel Valley.
Photo by Miles G McBreen
It was a delightful afternoon with Meredith talking about the impact Franklin had on her young life and she and some of the audience reminiscing about Franklin.  As he was among many other things a beekeeper, our theme was honey with Heather Lanier decorating the refreshment table with a bee hive, flowers from Big Sur that the bees gathered their pollen from and various honeys to taste.  We also provided delicious cookies and tea for refreshments!
Along with having her books available to purchase Meredith also brought some jars of her honey we could buy.  We had about 50 people attending the program and it was a great way to spend a rainy afternoon!

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