Annual (virtual) Meeting

Big Sur Historical Society

The Big Sur Historical Society had our annual Christmas potluck “meeting” on December 5th, minus the potluck! We attempted our first-ever virtual program and we think for our first venture it worked out pretty well! Thank you so much to our Board member, David Woods, for all his work making it happen! We also conducted our usual business of approving our Board slate for next year and next year’s budget.

The program for the evening was presented by former Caltrans historian and State Parks ranger, Bob Pavlik. It was about the history of our Highway One here in Big Sur and the photos he showed us were wonderful! We appreciated his knowledge that he shared and everyone who “tuned in” enjoyed it very much. We think we will probably do a virtual spring program next year

We are still on hold with reopening our Museum due to the Covid situation and will wait for the State guidelines to determine when we may reopen. We also still need to get our historical items back from the State Park that is being stored on Garden road. We did take advantage of the museum not being quite so full and had a good thorough deep cleaning done.

We received some very generous donations this year, among them was one from the Doris Parker Fee fund from the Community Foundation for Monterey County and a much unexpected and wonderful donation was bequeathed to the Historical Society from Carol Kobus, a longtime resident of Palo Colorado and someone who was very interested in our history.

Thank you,
BSHS Board

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